Dec 16, 2011

Perfect Vision of Education

Seek knowledge, even if you have to travel to China

Through the decade I have been associated with the professional field of education, I have realized that education has been of prime necessities of mankind throughout his evolution. But, now in a rapidly modernizing world when the sciences, almost, of every aspect are being learned & technology is enriching life at 360 degrees, education has become even more significant. Hypothetically the quest for learning has enabled societies to understand the depths of cores folded by nature, yet margins of truthfully unveiled facts are substantial. Moreover, education is imperative to accomplish traits from laying strong foundation of society to the absolute eradication of unemployment, from heartwarming spiritual elevation to the comprehensive understanding of divine truths.

I resolutely lay stress on the point that educational enlightenment is not the sole responsibility of the institution but it is equally shared by the individuals to strive hard and explore deep which will bring more prosperity and sublimity to the human world.  It is a fact that not all knowledge’s can be educated, but a perfect education system can develop that urge of personal endeavors to learn for excellence. Hence, educationists must realize that their obligatory job is to provoke that urge with in each individual. It is mandatory. No question on enabling individuals to give the world best of their potentials, but making them determined to learn is the need of time.

To fulfill our responsibilities and to contribute to the maximum extent in developing an educated, self-motivated, determined and loveable society across the globe, we have been doing what we do the best, educating.

We at “Punjab Grammar Schools” have aligned all our experiences and tactical process with this vision of “Education must provoke a sense of self endeavor within each individual to learn for excellence”.  Punjab Grammar Schools have been offering a consistently unique educational environment blended with remarkable achievements in a very short span of time. I, therefore, welcome to parents and their children to join hands with us for a better, prosperous & educated future.

Nature does never forgive time wasting; it must be the very moment to work for tomorrow.

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