May 20, 2011

Difference between Sale and Sales... (Solved)

During my 2nd job interview for Sales Coordinator, I was wondering what would be the difference between sale and sales. After interview I asked the interviewee to clarify the difference but he was not able to. Now, I have been with high caliber sales professionals and have read a lot on sales within 2 years, yet none in this whole world has answered this and point out the difference. This led me to dismantle state of mind. Below is the difference and please comment on for any queries.

Sale is actually an integral part of completing a commercial activity. It is only one transaction which is made on foundation of two or mote entities mutually agreed on exchanging what they possess (Commodities Vs Money). Selling will only be true if all involving entities are agreed and provided they all believe that they are profited. This will be called Sale or selling.

Sales is a term used when 2 or more sales are made between same entities involving efforts from third party to arrange selling activities between entities. It can also be referred to as numbers of sales are made to either same entities or different entities over a certain period of time. 

For example;

i) I sale 200 cartons of diapers in a single day to different entities. At day closing I will proclaim as “Sales of 200 cartons is made to all entities (Parties) during the day”. It will be inappropriate to say that Sale of 200 cartons is made to all entities (parties) during the day.”

ii) I sale 50 cartons of diapers during single transaction to a part naming ABC and same party approaches me the next day through the efforts exerted by third part and I sale 25 more cartons to ABC. I will perfectly write as; “Sales of 75 cartons were made to ABC”.  This will also illustrate that 75 cartons are sold to ABC in more than one transaction. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Written